Monday, April 20, 2009

First Day of Puppy School= B-

Wow, there is a good chance that poor Joey might fail puppy school. What can we say.... We raised a very social dog. Today was the first day of puppy school at Pawsitive Animal Works. Joey is in a class with 7 other dogs of all breeds and sizes. We worked on sit (in front and on the left), stay, and heel on a leash. Joey "talked" almost the whole class and was definitely the loudest dog there. However, he earned a B- because he did improve from the beginning to the end. If he can get his social life under control, we just might end up with a well behaved dog on our hands at the end of 4 more weeks! GO JOEY!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Glo-Stick it to Cancer

Diana, Christine, myself, Abbie (Chris and Colin) all participated in Truman's Glo-Stick it to Cancer 2 mile fun run. It was an interesting turn out, but we all had a log of fun as a group. It was a cold night though, but we stuck it to Cancer!

Meet Joey!

Joey is our first child. He is about 8 months old and is a beagle mix. We adopted him from a friend of ours the week before Thanksgiving. He has completely turned into the love of our lives. However, this particular day Joey decided to go swimming in the mud in the backyard. We have come to find out that Joey loves to dig in muddy holes of water. The frustrating thing was I had just given him a bath the day before. When I came outside and saw him looking like this he instantly sat down and gave my these sad puppy dog eyes. How could anyone get mad at this face?! Needless to say, he got another bath, but this moment was too picture perfect.

There is always a first for everything!

So, I decided that just about everyone has a blog to keep their friends and family updated. Therefore, I thought it was time for the Geiger's to get on the "blog" map. I am very new to this idea, so be patient with me. I am hoping to update photos and stories as often as possible, but I have the feeling it is going to take me awhile to catch on. So enjoy what you can!!